

And this one is certainly
an interesting story.
It starts with an endingand we're both characters in play.
On the same stage
but on a different pageyou'll go on to become
the queen of some kingdom.And I'll be that monster of myth
off in some forest, mire or filth.This time around
I'll meet you halfway
and I won't spend my life
lying awake at night.And they'll say
I'm the emerald
missing from your crown.The greatest escapist
the world has ever known.Now it's so clear to me.
We should have seen this coming
back at the beginning.
We both chose to take this road
to the same place
but at a different pace.This time around
I'll meet you halfway
And I won't spend my life
Lying awake at nightAnd I'll say
I'm the fabled
one that let you down.The greatest escapist
the world has ever known.

Lyrics provided by