If You Ever Leave

Billy Bragg

Walking out together
All along the shore
Arm in arm beneath the cliffs that tower above us
We hear the breakers roarHere we found each other
Here we made our home
Took the sea, the sky, the sun, the summertime
Made it all our ownIf you ever leave
If you ever leave me
If you ever leave, my dear
There's nothing for me hereThe storms that pound the harbor
Scatter driftwood on the beach
A million stars that fill the winter night sky
Seem just beyond our reachTides of time march onward
Just as sunshine follows rain
The season's ever changing, ever moving on
Yet our love remainsIf you ever leave
If you ever leave me
If you ever leave, my love
You can take the stars aboveIf you ever leave
If you ever leave me
If you ever leave, my love
Then you can bring the curtain down
On this lonesome town

BRAGG, BILLYPublished by
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

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