Early in the Morning

Harry Nilsson

Early in the morning and I can't get right
Had a little date with my baby last night
Now it's early in the morning, well, it's early in the morning
Now it's early in the morning and I ain't got nothing but the bluesWent to all the places where we used to go
Went to our house but you don't live there no more
Now it's early in the morning, well, it's early in the morning
Early in the morning and I ain't got nothing but the bluesWent to her girlfriend's house but she was out
Knock on her father's door and he began to shout
Early in the morning, early in the morning
Early in the morning and I ain't got nothing but the bluesWent to Dooky Chase to get something to eat
Waiter looked at me and said, "You sure look beat"
Yeah, it's early in the morning, early in the morning
Well, it's early in the morning and I ain't got nothing but the bluesWell, it's early in the morning and I ain't got nothing but the blues
Well, it's early in the morning and I ain't got nothing but the blues

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