Temple of Time

Matt Minikus & Josie Minikus

God took six days and created earth and moon and stars and sun.
On the seventh day He rested from the work that He had done.
Then He blessed it, made it holy, as a gift for every man.
To remind us where we came from and just how this world began.

Holy day, purified, set apart, sanctified.
God took six days and created earth and moon and stars and sun. On the seventh day He rested from the work that He had done.


See Him worship on the Sabbath as his weekly custom was. Feel the fury of the rabbis for he would not heed their laws. So they killed him on a hillside as the sun began to fade. But he even kept the Sabbath as they laid him in the grave.


All Forsaken and forgotten desecrated and profaned, but the sacred fourth Commandment is still valid and unchanged. Hear the father gently calling if you love me keep each one. Not for merit or salvation but because you love my son


You will find Joy Divine in this Temple made with time.

Lyrics Submitted by Sheri Collins

Lyrics provided by https://damnlyrics.com/