Home Girl

Lynn White

yo home girl what-sup you think you stole my man? huh, you did me a favor. you got life tore up. the man was a no show even in the bedroom. so check it out, i hear you going all around bragging about how ya stole my man. i know you think i'm angry but you did me a favor let me shake your hand. make long story short i think the two of you should be together. (chorus- deserve one another deserve one another) you see, you're no good and he's a low down dirty mother fire. (chorus- mother fire dirty mother fire) so thanks for taken out my garbage. thanks for taken out the trash it's a dirty job but someone had to do it. i knew i could count on ya homie. cause we know your so good at that. you got what you deserved home girl you deserved what you got yeah. (chorus- straight up) you got what you got deserved home girl you deserved what you got. (chorus- straight up) hook and line singing girl i know you think you got it all. and if in fact you think i want him back well you got me wrong. the way i see it the two of you should be together. (chorus- deserve to be together deserve to be together) he's a 3 time loser so are you BAM together like a feather. (chorus- together like a feather together like a feather) so thanks for solving my problems. thanks a lot for clearing the air. i knew i could count on ya homie. just when it started to smell. you got what you deserved home girl you deserved what you got yeah. (chorus- straight up) you got what you deserved home girl you deserved what you got. (straight up) (together- you think you got a hero but he is just a zero nothing from nothing he is nothing never was a hero so you missed it with his ego. BAM end of discussion.) to make a long story short i feel the two of deserve one another (one another deserve one another) you see your no good and he's a low down dirty mother fire. (mother fire a dirty mother fire) you got what you deserved home girl you deserved what you got yeah (straight up) you got what you deserved hoe girl you deserved what you got. (straight up) you got what you deserved home girl you deserved what you got nah. you got what you deserved home irl you deserved what you got. you've made and been made hah.

Lyrics Submitted by Wine cellar

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