Victim Of Circumstance


Rollin' down easy Highway 49
Out of body and out of mind
I might get lost I might be found
Ain't no way of knowing I'm California boundRidin' with the breeze
Through the dogwood trees
Rollin' down easy EASY!!
Baby won't you please
Give me one more chance
Give me one more chance
I'm just a Victim of CircumstanceRollin' down easy Low on gas
Pedal to the metal trying to make it last
I might get stranded in New Mexico
Slash my tires and air is runnin' lowRidin' with the breeze
Through the dogwood trees
Rollin' down easy EASY!!
Baby won't you please
Give me one more chance
Give me one more chance
I'm just a Victim of Circumstance

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

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