Well, you feel pretty now
Now I'm your biggest fan
I saw your picture and it's the best
To finally skin the landCamera likes some action
Words you know so well
You're, in and out of fashion
You know, you would've fellWhen the curtain falls
Walk the hollow walls, babe
Once are fairly dull
Girl you light it all
Well, love you in that
Can I have your honored craft
It's so funny at the show, never think baby laugh
Woman crawling cocktails
You cut and go your wings
Leo said they loved you
Didn't they darling?
Well, taking all your thingsWhen the curtain falls
Walk the hollow walls, babe
Once are fairly dull
Girl you light it allWell, listen darling
It's been
What can I say, you've got it all
You're one with me,
But I'm not gonna lie to you
You can choose a little word, well
When the curtain falls
Walk the hollow walls, babe
Walk the valley, doll
Now you light it allGoodbye baby, goodbye
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.
Lyrics provided by https://damnlyrics.com/