Where I come from the wind is always blowin'
Where you come from it rains most every day
I'm sorry that you're sad to see me goin'
Sad to say I'm goin' anyway
I said goodbye to you a hundred times, girl
A hundred times you said goodbye to me
The moon and the waves are beautiful
Here on the Andaman seaYou and I we dug up lots of treasure
You and I we dug up lots of stones
It's not an easy thing to measure
It's just something that I feel in my bones
I said goodbye to you a hundred times girl
A hundred times you said goodbye to me
The moon and the waves are beautiful
Here on the Andaman sea
We left a lot of miles behind us
You and I we traveled rather well
The deepest blues, finally now they find us
No matter all the beauty we beheld
One last time, just to know we did it
Come out on the sand and dance with me
The moon and the waves are beautiful
Here on the Andaman Sea
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.
Lyrics provided by https://damnlyrics.com/