O the young and in love won't dream on the moon
And the month of December won't come until June
All the heroes will cry and the gays will love girls
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldThe sun will turn blue and the black will be white
And midday and high noon with tale place at night
Dead man will roar and the swine will wear pearls
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldAnd we all fall down
As the proud Queen of England eats pie from her crown
And we'll all get high you and I
It's the beautiful wreck of the world
All the kings on the earth will vacate their throne
And the tramps and the beggars will have a new home
The bend will be straight and the straight will be curled
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldO the raindrops that fall will raise in the air
MTV rock and rollers will lose all their hair
You may thing I'm kidding but I mean it I swear
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldAll political prisoners will be set free
And every one of their jailors will slide in the sea
Old rivals will shake hands flags will be furled
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldAll the bankers in town will give money away free
And Jennifer Lopez will make love to me
You may not believe it by just wait and see
It's the beautiful wreck of the world
The preachers on TV will find true romance
And the world's politicians will shut up and dance
And Madonna Ciccone will put on her paints
It's the beautiful wreck of the world
O the young and in love won't dream on the moon
And the month of December won't come until June
All the heroes will cry and the gays will love girls
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldThe sun will turn blue and the black will be white
And midday and high noon with tale place at night
Dead man will roar and the swine will wear pearls
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldAnd we all fall down
As the proud Queen of England eats pie from her crown
And we'll all get high you and I
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldAll the kings on the earth will vacate their throne
And the tramps and the beggars will have a new home
The bend will be straight and the straight will be curled
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldO the raindrops that fall will raise in the air
MTV rock and rollers will lose all their hair
You may thing I'm kidding but I mean it I swear
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldAll political prisoners will be set free
And every one of their jailors will slide in the sea
Old rivals will shake hands flags will be furled
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldAll the bankers in town will give money away free
And Jennifer Lopez will make love to me
You may not believe it by just wait and see
It's the beautiful wreck of the worldThe preachers on TV will find true romance
And the world's politicians will shut up and dance
And Madonna Ciccone will put on her paints
It's the beautiful wreck of the world
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.
Lyrics provided by https://damnlyrics.com/