ProVision L-3

Against Me!

ProVision L-3 (x3)
Conjure up suspicion.
ProVision L-3 (x3)
Conjure up suspicion.The national security, consent of cohersion.
The alpha, the omega. I know it's an illusion, I can't see through it.ProVision L-3 (x3)
Conjure up suspicion.The national security, consent of cohersion.
Don't look at me, don't talk to me.
I know it's an illusion, I can't see through it.ProVision L-3 (x3)
Conjure up suspicion.What can you see inside of me?
What can you see inside of me?
Hands in the air, assume the position.
What can you see inside of me?
What can you see inside of me?
Everyone make your best dead faces.ProVision L-3 (x3)
Conjure up suspicion (x3)

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

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