
nowhere man and a whiskey girl

I've placed the bounty
on my own head this time
collection of the dividends
as he bumzles through the record bins
with glorious absence of "E"
with glorious absence of "E"

I could if I had
spoke in class yesterday
An essay of wee-sings
Remembers all the notes he brings

The timing is
Sometimes off in
The phonograph
Timing is off in
the phonograph

I dance the Lindy alone
until the band all went home and
Oh, was I tired
They're all alone (x4)
Until the band all went home

We proved we're ready
paying special attention
We sit by the screen
A wadded clover in my fist
As he bends
He spins his record disc
But the scratches
cannot be heard
The scratches
can never be heard

This is not the first film
we've made to win
Be seated by seven
As we try it all again
This time with
original soundtrack
This time with a new soundtrack

Lyrics Submitted by Kaya Kismet

Lyrics provided by