Corporate Slave

Gay Black Republican

Corporate Slave (v1)

I have decided that time is unkind
Things change and move leaving us behind
One day at recess the next in the grave
Somewhere in between you’re a corporate slave

Corporate Slave
Corporate Slave
Iron that shirt and fold that tie

Corporate Slave
Corporate Slave
Carving out that piece of pie

Gravity, like life, can take its toll
Things are moving not were they were
Acuity slipping the records blur
An undying leech stealing your sole

Corporate Slave
Corporate Slave
Iron that shirt and fold that tie

Corporate Slave
Corporate Slave
Carving out that piece of pie
BREAK triplets

A final rest, the end of the race
It’s only yourself that you must face
What good you did may give you peace
The whining of all the idiots will finally cease

Corporate Slave
Corporate Slave
Punch that clock till - the - day - you -die

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