Big Baller (Remix) feat. Glasses Malone & Birdman

Mack 10

At first, I thought this song was called "Big Balls" instead of "Big Baller". The lyrics I had planned out for "Big Balls" were much more funnier, and that is why you have waisted more than 5 seconds reading about how I just made a mistake. Keep reading this if you'd like, but sometime, you're just going to realize that this doesn't say or mean anything important. It's nothing that you need to know, so why are you still reading this? Really. It's not your business. Why are you still reading? This could go terribly wrong. You are rude. Goodbye. I bet you're still reading this..Why are you still reading this?Why...?Why?

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Lyrics provided by