Calypso Queen

Calypso Rose

They say that I reign too long
Forgetting that my constitution is strong
Instead of respecting my long long reign
They making plot to take down my name
I've been breaking down walls
Ever since I was smallThey could stand up tall and strong
Like a wrecking ball I go knock them down
They say that I reign too long
Forgetting that my constitution is strongInstead of respecting my long long reign
They making plot to take down my name
Everywhere I reign supreme
The one and only calypso queen
No man alive or dead
Could come and take the crown of my headThem foolish and petty men
I don't worry 'bout them
They've been trying to take me down
But to the end I retain my crown
They say that I reign too longForgetting that my constitution is strong
Instead of respecting my long long reign
They making plot to take down my name
They used to call me small island girl
Now I travel the world
Everywhere the go they knowI am calypso rose queen of calypso
I am the daughter of the warrior
No time to rest or retire
Others have come and gone
But calypso rose is still singing onThey say that I reign too long
Forgetting that my constitution is strong
Instead of respecting my long long reign
They making plot to take down my name

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

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