O mighty God, We need you right now
Reveal your Glory, and pour your spirit out X2
Same as verse 1
1st & 2nd time unison
3 time parts (soprano alto tenor) X8
We need you, We need you
We need you, Lord Let your Glory fall X2
Same as verse 2
Parts (soprano, alto, tenor) X5
(Flow right in Lead and then Choir)
lead - We need you yeah______ Let it fall
- Lord let your Glory fall___
Lead-Let it fall like rain______
- Lord let your Glory FallLead MinisterWe want more of your presence,
More of your Spirit
More of your Love
and your Mercy and Healing X 10
Lead- Come down holy Spirit X4
(Flow right in after lead)
- Come down Holy Spirit X4Lead Minister to end song
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.
Lyrics provided by https://damnlyrics.com/