Carry the Light

Rob Biagi

Carry the Light of the Lord
And let him live in you
Carry the light of the Lord
And you will shine like new

Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord
Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord

Carry the light of the Lord
And let him live in you
Carry the light of the Lord
And you will shine like new

Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord
Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord

You will shine so bright people will be curious
Where does all the joy come from
You will shine so bright people will stop and know
About your God and about his Son

Carry the light of the lord
And let him live in you
Carry the light of the lord
And you will shine like new

Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord
Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord

Our Lord shines so bright we are not curious
No! We know where that joy comes from
He shines so bright in us
People will have to know about our God
and about his Son

Carry the light of the Lord
And let him live in you
Carry the light of the Lord
And you will shine like new

Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord
Carry his love in your heart and explore
Carry the light of the Lord
Lyrics submitted by Celeste.

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