Favorite Sin

Within Reason

My heart beats fast again only seems to flutter
when you're around
You seem to cycle a smile that lifts me up often
brings me down
My blood runs through my veins endorphin caged companion
So I'll keep you by my side and dedicate you all my time
With the pleasure comes the pain that only you know
could bring
You've been given all I have when you come around
I seem to give in
In a fight I'll never win cus all the while you're my
favorite sin
So I salute you with both hands it's been bearable
pain but time well spent
Never communicate never say a word always
keep it in
Although you often help me you never know what's
going on
We seem to have our problems when I'm with you
I wake up
Lyrics submitted by carlos.

Lyrics provided by https://damnlyrics.com/