
Arigato We Love You

(cameron/arling/konishi)R: hello?

M: hello? who's speaking?

R: this is easy tune.

Could I speak to pizzicato five please?

M: oh yes. easy tune amsterdam?

This is pizzicato five.

R: oh, hi! we love your music.

Can we make a song together one day?

M: oh, we'd love to.

Why not do it right away?

R: on the phone?

M: why not?

R: ok, let's do it.Hello world. this is pizzicato five, coming to you

Directly from readymade records, tokyo.

We thank you for loving us,

And we thank you for loving us today.

We thank you for loving us all the way.

We love you back...Arigato we love you

Arigato we love you

Arigato we love you

Arigato we love youHello world. this is easy tune, coming to you

Directly from amsterdam, holland.

We thank you for loving us,

And we thank you for loving us today.

We thank you for loving us all the way.

We love you back...Arigato we love you

Arigato we love you

Arigato we love you

Arigato we love youR: thank you very much.

It was a pleasure working with you.

M: yes, we think so too.

Let's do it again sometime.

R: it's a deal! totziens!

M: jaa, ne.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!