
Ballad of Anzio

When the engines stop their clatter and the cannon's stop their roar-and your back at home to talk about the show- when the small talk is all over and they ask about the war--stop'um with a tail of Anzio. .Where they can boast about the Desert they can talk about Dunkirk and the jungle where the fight was deadly slow , let'm boast of their campaigning and their medals til there red..then tell about the beach at Anzio. You can tell of "Anzio Archie" and the factory where the Huns used to ask us out for breakfast everyday you can talk of night patrolling they know nothing of at home -just mention how you learned it at the bay. And you can tell of night attacks- tanks and planes behind our backs, the sudden hand grenade beneath the toe..you can tell'm "it was hell" though we dished it out as well there was no-one liked that beach at Anzio. When the night is almost done and the tale is almost sung now your thinking how it must have been-how they sit without a sound..order up another round host up a brand new day that's comin' in where there's no shell bursts in the sky there's no bullets whistling by drink another toast before you go "to the fighting to the pain to the mud and to the rain to the boys still on the beach at Anzio"

Lyrics Submitted by Michael J

Enjoy the lyrics !!!