

Pulled from our homes

We've committed no crimes

We don't know why

Stolen and incarcerated

The red army marches us out like pigsOnto trains like creatures

Of some unknown plague

For days we travel

To an unknown landA frozen world without end

A pure dehumanizing hell

Physically and morally abused

We huddle together like slaves

In the galleys of old

Cold & hungryDescending into tales

Of a forever destroying genesisWhere the depth of human

Depravity has no bounds

Our final destination

An unbearable existenceThrown into black mines

My mother and sister

Raped daily while I'm blind

I can only hear their criesBy night, we live off scraps

To keep us working for a

Master who will never look

Upon us with his own eyes

We are doomed and will never

Know what it is to be free

Enjoy the lyrics !!!