
Black Mass

...It's eleven o' clock in the desecrated church

and now that we're all here, we're ready to follow

the Black Priest, while bats and toads invade the

church. The most beautiful witch shall lay on the

altar; a magic pillow shall sustain her head.

With open arms her body forms a cross and she

holds black candles in her hands.

Tonight HE will appear and if HE likes the

sacrifice, we shall all become immortal!Satana, qui unus es dominus nobis

prodimus deum orbis terrarum

sanctos pinguemque feminam.

Tibi profundimus sanguinem nostrum liberarumque

subscribamus atrum voluminem mortis.

Et gratiam tibi agimus pro peccata nostra.

Stigma, quod nobis ipse impressisti, ostendimus.

Tibi confitemur peccata nostra

ut coniungas nos convivium ubertatis.

Nostrum cibum Belzeb consecra et vinculum

nigrae catenae solida.

Coniunge animas saltatione et commissatione

ad honorem tui, ut disiungat nos lux, Amen.Pray brother! Pray with me!

Pray the Devil with force and faith!

This is your great chance!

This is the night of Black Mass!Take off your clothes! Undress completely!

Rise to the altar and then kneel down!

When you're all ready bring to me the sacrificed!This child's throat will be cut

over the body of a witch

mix his blood with my seed

and dip inside the Black Host!Oh Astaroth! Oh Asmodeo!

Princes of friendship I implore YOU!

Accept my sacrifice! I offer you this blood!This is my body! This is my blood!

Hallelujah Evil Sons! Join together in this orgy!

This is your great chance!

This is the night of Black Mass!

Enjoy the lyrics !!!