
Box of Crayons

i draw myself a world with a box of crayons

i draw myself a world with a box of crayons

I start with blue to fill up the sky

i leave some white to make the clouds go by

and I draw myself a world with a box of crayons

i draw myself a car with a purple crayon

i draw myself a car with a purple crayon

i draw a box with a seat inside

add four circles for the wheels to ride

I draw myself a car with a purple crayonI draw a kangaroo w/ a brown crayon

w a big brown tail and a pouch that I hope will stay on

I know exactly what she's trying to find

so I take a green crayon and draw tiny lines

and I draw a field of grass for her to play oncolors my favorite colors

all these colors such beautiful colorsYellow zig zag lightning fills the sky

And cold grey raindrops splash into my eyes

I want to keep my little friends from harm

so I take a red crayon and draw us a barn!

I draw myself a barn with a red crayonI draw myself a sun with a yellow crayon

a circle with some lines to get it's ray on...

and suddenly a rainbow fills the air

I can see all my favorite colors shining there

I draw myself a rainbow with all my crayonsAnd I see colors

My favorite colors

colors beautiful colors...

Enjoy the lyrics !!!