
Browndog's Song: The Sequel

Well I was poking along in my WB

Just idling at a hundred and forty three

And listening to Travis Sinn play his greatest hits

The sun was shining and the birds were about

Except for a couple I had to take out, when I left the road to avoid a big kangaroo

Now I like birds just as much as you

But I’ve been through three front ends in this Ute

And that suicide skippy was determined to make it four

Tearing round cars was becoming a trend

Dotted lines, double lines and even on the bends

When a major event made me re-think the things I was doing

A cloud of smoke came in my rear view,

My hair stood up and some how I knew

That the brown dog was hot off a meltdown and running behind

I knew it was him as his truck whistled past,

His eyes were bugged out and he was poopin broken glass

And the blow-up doll riding shotgun was trembling with fear

Rubber and sparks was flying out the back

And it looked like a bushfire blowing from the stacks

The rear view mirrors were gone and one side was smashed

I turned down the stereo and gave him a call

Said ‘browndog you copy mate? What’s going on?”

And the reply that I heard made me fear for the motorists ahead

‘For the last three days I’ve been mullin down

I run out of gear so asked around town

But all I could get was this god damn acid trips’

‘With me and me leprechaun hooking along, And I don’t think we’re doing to many things wrong

And I’m lucky these unicorns are so damn easy to cart’

Now this scared me more as he powered through dip

Because he stoped hauling stock when he smashed that ship and the trailers he was pulling were flat tops full of freight

I thought ‘somehow I’ve got to try stop this machine

But it’s gonna be hard because the little fulla’s keen

And he’s driving like he’s got a big cramp in his Achilles’ tendon’

I said ‘mate I know you’re sort of pushed for time, but if you pull up ahead I can feed you a line’

Well I’ve never seen a truck start stopping like this one did

There was smoke pouring out of the tires that were left

And the screeching and crunching made me wish I was deaf

Then the trailers all started to try overtake each other

Well I pulled up watching in absolute horror when a voice at me window said ‘how ya goin brother?’

Which frightened me more because the trust hadn’t even stopped skidding

There were two grey nomads in a truck stop bay

And I thought ‘this is it mate. This is there say’

As an unmanned truck and three trailers headed their way

Well it would have been good if it had all stopped there

But it smashed up the caravan and camper chairs

And spread all of grandmas washing out the back

At the edge of the scrub appeared a grey haired man

With an axe and a little bit of wood in his hand which he probably dropped when he saw his home scattered about

Well his white face turned a mad shade of red as he lifted his axe and started going off his head and making a definite b-line for the Kennworth’s door

I said to the browndog ‘dude get in, I don’t want to see how this is gonna end, and let’s be bloody be thankful that nobody really got hurt... yet’

The very next day in the local rag

Was a front page picture of a plastic bag

Which the cops said was full of dangerous acid trips

The story continued on page two and three

And I was surprised they had someone in custody

And I wondered who the bloody hell did they pin for than

At the bottom it said continue page four

When I turned the page I nearly hit the floor when I saw who was locked in the back of a paddy wagon

With her mouth wide open like the day she was born

And trembling with fear because she new she was gone

Was brown dogs

Old style

Doggy style

Any hole

Half busted

Well used

At me blow up doll

Lyrics Submitted by Lauren Dye

Enjoy the lyrics !!!