
Buddy in the Parade

I heard you were the king

you didn't leave behind

a goddamn thing

Why did I look

into the dim eye of the mole?

There was no silence there

many voices spoke

Thinking I died

I tried to listen

I saw one hundered saddles

without horses, galloping.

Get outta here, go home

That's what you used to

play at shows

Sister Sister Sister

watches the furniture go.

She didn't have the scratch

to keep you in that sorry hole

Money Money Money don't

let you sleep

switching graves in the cemetery

they buried you so many times

can't find your body

Get outta here, go home

That's what you used to play

at the ends of shows

In the middle of the parade

you were frothing at the mouth

"Didn't he ramble til the butcher

cut him down?"

Fool, all you touch on this

turning dream

is either gonna be burned

or buried

All your jewelry goes around

from town to town

All your pretty ones, I'm not gonna say

where they are now

Get outta here, go home

That's what you used to play

at the ends of shows

In the middle of the parade

you were frothing at the mouth

Children, turn on your

radio and don't go out

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!