

Swallow purple terror candy

Don't forget to breathe

Sickened by the wanting

And drowning from the need

This dichromatic vision

Of one who does not care

To sipping cocktail sedatives

Two months to hide somewhere

Butterflies, butterflies

Cut the stomach out and hand it over

Butterflies, butterflies

My heart will be the bridge that you walk over

The wolf has caught the chicken

And now I feel unsteady

Emotions on the blink again

So kick me when you're ready

Here lies a violet coffin

The death of my control

Along with all my skeletons

They put them in a hole

Butterflies, butterflies

Cut the stomach out and hand it over

Butterflies, butterflies

My heart will be the bridge that you walk over

Sickened by the notion

I give myself again

Choking on the bullet

The gun that's found a friend

So raise your glass to sorrow

And drink to all the pain

Tie a silver ribbon around

The pieces that remain

Butterflies, butterflies

Cut the stomach out and hand it over

Butterflies, butterflies

My heart will be the bridge that you walk over

That you walk over

That you walk over

Enjoy the lyrics !!!