

Buzzbomb buzzbomb

Macho mobile

The road's my slave

That's how I feel

I cruise alone

I cruise real far

I don't love you

I love my car

Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

Cross Nevada

At a hundred and ten, Highway Fifty

And there's nobody there

Sign says, "Next sign thirty miles"

I work all week, each penny saved


Buys more escape from home


I'd rather cruise around all day


Than save up for a move

Plow through the rest area of San O Lets

Splat goes the

Lonely salesman

Wanking in the men's room

Buzzbomb Buzzbomb

Tape up loud

Blue piss clinging to my windshield

Faster faster in my car oh

Buzzbomb is my pride and joy


King of the trailer court


Waiting for the perfect chick


Who'll love me for my car

I tell her, Why I'm cool?

She coos back just what I like

When I pretend she's near

Zip through Ely

Where Pat Nixon was born

The cops 'round here sure looking bored

Flashing sirens State Patrol

They're scratching up my gorgeous paint job


Shooting out my tires


Ain't no way to go to heaven


Buzzbomb cornered at the Seven Eleven

Aah Ooh

He he

Enjoy the lyrics !!!