
Caller #10

"Hey, hey, hey, this is D.D. Deda

Hello your caller ten"

"I won, I won, I won"

"Y'all shut the hell up"

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Tajuana from Brentwood, what I won?""Well, you just won that sixty-nine splat pack"

"For real?"

"Oh yeah, this includes first class round trip train fare

And two tickets to Ding-A-Ling Land"

"For real?""Where they have all kind of rides and fun, fun, fun

Such as the Totem Pole, the Back-Breaker

And the Long Stroker Roller Coaster"


"And guess what?"

"What?""They got three dollars off coupons

At Thicken Wangs, Chicken Wangs and Thangs

Thang it ain't, mayn"

"Them thangs sho' be good""You and your guests will be staying at the Peek-A-Boo Motel

On the corner of 69th and West Ding-A-Long Boulevard

So, baby, don't miss that train"

"What the hell? Hey, wrinkle it, baby"

Enjoy the lyrics !!!