Energy is contagious
Enthusiasm spreads
Tides respond to lunar gravitation
Everything turns in synchronous relationLaughter is infectious
Excitement goes to my head
Winds are stirred by planets in rotation
Sparks ignite and spread new informationRespond, vibrate, feed back, resonateSun dogs fire on the horizon
Meteor rain stars across the night
This moment may be brief
But it can be so brightHope is epidemic
Optimism spreads
Bitterness breeds irritation
Ignorance breeds imitationSun dogs fire on the horizon
Meteor rain stars across the night
This moment may be brief
But it can be so brightReflected in another source of light
When the moment dies
The spark still flies
Reflected in another pair of eyesDreams are sometimes catching
Desire goes to my head
Love responds to your invitation
Love responds to imaginationRespond, vibrate, feed back, resonate