
Chili Sauce

Waiter: ah good evening Mr. Day... 2 for dinner?

Morris: yes give us one of those little sexy tables in the back

Waiter: I'm sorry sir those are all taken

Morris: Jerome

*jacks waiter up*

Waiter: I... think maybe... we... can... arrange... it...Mr. Day....

Morris: thank you so much

Date: oh Morris was that necessary?

Morris: Jerome

Date: okay okay I'm sorry

Waiter: right this way sir

Morris: you know this is an exciting establishment you have here

Waiter: what I wouldn't give for a broken bottle

Morris: i can't hear you what you say

Waiter: i said yes we're remodeling

Morris: mmm hhmmm

Waiter: cocktails before dinner?

Morris: yes 2 pina coladas

Date: make mine a virgin

Waiter: ok will you be having a virgin as well?

Morris: yes for dessert


Waiter: sir I'm afraid i don't get it

Morris: say do you know how to do the walk

Waiter: why certainly everyone can do the walk

Morris: well honey why don't you just walk your ass to the other side of the room

Morris: ah my dear its rough at the top

Jerome get your pad and pencil i think its gonna be kinda right

if my judge of character is correct

now stop me when i get to seventeen

excuse me baby

i bet you didn't know i had a piece of this restaurant did you

but it looks like I'm going to have to buy the whole thing and fire that man

may i taste that

slurp burp

excuse me that's kinda weak here try mine

Date: sip... cough cough cough good...GOD

Morris: you know they say that saliva is an aphrodisiac

Date: excuse me

Morris: you look so lovely tonight

Date: why thank you

Morris: probably even better under exotic red lights

i wish you could see my home its so so exciting

in my bedroom i have brass waterbed

Date: really

Morris: mm hhhm

just surrounded by plants and lights and shit and all kinds of little erotic artifacts

you can have breakfast in bed

Date: oh

Morris: i have an Italian cook Jerome sagarachi or something like that

its funny your eyes when you stare at me like that it causes my my stomach to quiver

oh lord

do you like diamonds

Date: mmm hmmm

Morris: yea

Date: yea

Morris: i know its rather masculine but try this one on

my god darling it fits

you must have strong hands

but they're so soft

like the oils in my morning bath, somebody help me


Date: yes

im not usually so forward but would you like to make love to me, i could make it so nice

do you know what is meant by the words i hate to use them they're so harsh American

know i mean and yet on the other hand they're exciting words

the words

chilli sauce

oh lord

u know i haven't

made love in so long but with you i know it would be just like riding a bike

I'd remember everything I'd ever learned

baby if the kid can't make you come

nobody can

Jerome: Morris

Morris: yea

Jerome: 17

Morris: whats it gonna be baby

Date: chilli sauce

Morris: oh lord


Lyrics submitted by Renee Justice.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!