
Clear Cut

ThoUSaNd Voices tearing me doWn

THoUsAND vOIces tearinG me downa CLeAR CUt i'm NOT bEGGing For anOThER Day

A Clear cUT I'M NoT sEarcHIng FoR anOTHEr way


FoR My mentaL DecaY

A Clear cUt! a clear cuT! A CLEar Cut!

eveRtHiNG ELsE Is jUst aNothER dELAythe buLleT wOn't fit in the gun

The baG has a HOlE and ThE kNiFe iS blunt

wiNdow won't open again

the rope is torN aNd i caN't gO on

I'm Stucked here wIthin

LookiNg back and It makes nO Sense

I'M FalLIng AgaIn

digginG deepEr, BUt I can'T FiND ThE enDoH...takE iT away, taKE it awaY

tAkE IT awaY FRom mE

or aM i iNvIsibLE?yoU wAnNa tEll mE hoW WoNDeRFUL It iS

sTarT TO lISten I'm FuCkING SICK oF IT

YoU waNNa HeLP ME, bUT tHis lIfe Is ShiT

I'm TryiNg To shoW yOu hOw mUCH i'M HAtInG It

i'M HATINg IT! i'M hATiNG iT!

I'm hatInG iT!ThaT stUPid game is not mine

ThEy'Re PlayiNG With me aLl tHe Time

AnD i'm nOt born for thiS

tHe eNd of tHe road aND all eXiSTS i'd misseD

and I'm STuCKed heRe WiThin

looKiNG forWard anD it makes No SenCe

i'm falLing aGain

ScratChing Deeper, BUt nothing'S UNder mY SKini'm creePIng oN the flooR

sitting in the corNER

thouSANd voiCes tEaRing ME down

teAriNg mE DoWn, teariNg me dOwn, teaRiNg mE downDo SEe me CReePInG oN the FLOOr

A coLD BOdy LYiNG IN tHE cORner

Do YOu HeAR Them: THoUsANd VoiCes

TeaRiNG mE Down, THEY WAnNA SeE ...A CLeAR Cut iN MY fiNaL SHow

a clEAR cUt IN mY FiNal SHOW


TeAriNG Me down, tHey wanna see ...TeaRing Me DoWN

tearing mE down

TeAriNG me ... down!YOU wanNa teLL Me How WoNDerFuL It is

I cAN'T beLiEvE I'm sO FuCking dEPreSSiVe

YoU wanNa Help ME, But I'm ReADy to gO

ThE WhiTe NOisE In mY HEAD leT mE knoWA clear cut a clear cut

A cLear Cut everyThING elsE is just anotheR delay

A cLear cUt a CLEar CuT

A cleAr cuT Everything ElSe is jusT aNotHEr delAY

Enjoy the lyrics !!!