The stars have done their duty
The trees, they stood their ground
Their limits to what will be
Two towns will spin aroundAnd the colours, the colours will die
So you know I slept to keep them alive
And the colours that hide in the sky
So you know I slept to make sure they dieSpecies have done research
The guards, they have their share
The shadows have their reasons
The sun will never kill
And the colours, the colours will die
So you know I slept to keep them alive
And the colours that hide in the sky
So you know I slept to make sure they dieThe tornadoes will be dancing
The volcanoes, they will cry
And the oceans will be drinking
On the day the colours die
The colours, the colours will die
So you know I slept to keep them alive
And the colours that hide in the sky
So you know I slept to make sure they die
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.