

Jaws dripping with disease

Fingers for use of weaponry

Mind spins in fervor of murder's design

Unleashing our buried primal desiresReturn to instincts we had lost

Our blades shall speak with eloquence

What human words cannotTerror, a world of terror we create

Maddening howls fill the streets

As further spreads the plagueGone the affinity to modern man

Wavering faith falls to ravenous hands

Unbridled malevolence reaches a boil

As strivings of mankind dissolve into fireThe will to conquer suffocates

A trail of shredded carcasses

Our morals dissipateNow the end's drawing nearer

Upheaval is at hand

Animalistic biddings

A reverse evolution of manTerror, a world of terror we create

Maddening howls fill the streets

As further spreads the plagueChildren, we are the children of the beast

Instinct counters reasoning

Our rage shall be unleashedThe dreams of man engulfed in fire

This world a heap of burning flesh

The end is baring down upon us

The God of mortals lying dead

Enjoy the lyrics !!!