
Cough Up The Bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucksWhere did all the money go?

Where did all the cash flow?

Where did all the money go?Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucksIt's all about my car

(Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks)

It's all about my car

(Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks)

And my girl, it's all about my worldCough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucksWhere did all the money go?

Where did all the cash flow?

Where did all the revenue escape?Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucksIt's all about my girl

(Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks)

It's all about my girl

(Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks)

And my dream, it's all about my worldCough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucksCough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

Cough up the bucks, cough up the bucks

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