
Cradle of Bones

A Buried Crime

Forgotten Adultery

A Bastard Son

Breeding Into The Corpse

Under Grave Clothes

Foetus Incubated

Placenta Reeks

Post-Mortem Pregnancy[Chorus:]

Condemned To Darkness

In A Cold Tomb

Sterile Womb

Cradle Of BonesBorn In The Vault

Beneath The Cemetery

Unfertile Nest

Suckled By Rottenness

Hungry And Forlorn

He's Crying Underground

Maternal Love

Turned In A Pile Of Worms[Chorus:]

Condemned To Darkness

In A Cold Tomb

Sterile Womb

Cradle Of BonesUnsheltered Creation, Fruit Of Hate

Posthumous Protection

Warm Of Fermentation

First Vital Deception, Obscurity

Accidental Gestation

Growing In PutrefactionExistence In Pestilence

Surviving By Himself

Awaiting For His Revenge

Someday He Will Arise (Dead)Born In The Vault

Beneath The...

[Repeat All This Verse][Chorus:]

Condemned To Darkness

In A Cold Tomb

Sterile Womb

Cradle Of Bones

Enjoy the lyrics !!!