
Danger and Play

Here's a man who's come apart pieces uncollected

His heart breaks for total strangers

He's the one that's undetected.

Te corridor is lying fallow.

Going blind he doesn't care to know the truth.

His better days are trapped in amber.

Hard to read he lacked in candor.

Audience enamored.

Tried to speak but stammered.

Out of focus here's a man who's had his chance.

His tired legs like towers.

Antlers mounted on the wall.

Open books that like flowers

Sounds of traffic like applause.

Roaring sons and daughters chirping.

The agony of Priapus.

Warring Huns and water serpents.

Salomé she dances for the prisoners of heaven's jails

with feet that barely touch the ground.

Seven gates.

Seven veils.

One by one they fall away.

Now she's left with secrets that could break the world.

Indifferent and sophisticated.

To this day the myth's debated.


Dismissed and hated.

Just try not to lose your head.

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

she memorized the cruelest parts.

Desperate wishes whispered to the patron saint of foolish hearts.

Ladies of the corridor find themselves involved disgraced.

Call witness to their principles and deprecate the lack of tasted.

Ophelia the victim never asked to join this wicked threesome

Now she's sitting all alone at water's edge upon a tree stump

Listening to distant music

It's hard to tell is there light within her heart or is it filled with deep despair?

As she prepares her sleepless prayer she'll pinch herself to keep aware and quietly she goes insane

She wears a pretty dress her feet are bare

Hand-picked daisies in her lap

Heavy eyes exhausted mind she's ready to begin her nap

Freezing water crystal clear

Ignore the pain

Dismiss the fear

She takes a moment for herself then into nature disappears

Carved in stone favorited and though preferred

When the evil demon's down his frightening voice cannot be heard

The opposite as true as well

Damned to hell this fear of music

Dread of winter

Hearts turn phosphorescent soon

Seen through aching pains of windows

Dead of night and crescent moon

Fireworks on Holidays

Oregon will have it's bridges to carry loads and take things said and turn them into burning fires

Evil doesn't make things dead

Diamonds that we feed the oceans

Words of honor we rescind

I was hanging in a stairwell the day she gave me to the wind


Enjoy the lyrics !!!