
Denounced, Disgraced

Traitor, how you've betrayed our blood

Broken the bond that had set us apart

From this world so unforgiving

Can it be true that I once walked through fires with you?Forced to cut you down just another enemy

The road long fought to victory

Cancerous poisoning anchored by this weakest link

Turn your lying face in utter shame

Denounced, disgracedWe bury you now still while you breathe

Dead as the void that you've left here in me

Deeper and deeper spent memories

Cremating all that would bear your diseaseAn end is what you wanted

The end is what you'll receive

Onward into battle forever we soldier

Unflinchingly undying and freeForced to cut you down just another enemy stripped of immortality

Cancerous poisoning how the smallest violin does sing

As the obituaries cries out your cursed name

Now as the towers fall crumbling at our feet

Lay down your sword you must answer to meLeper, banished to be

We punish your treason unmercifully

Liar, ears deaf to your pleas

There'll be no remorse, no sympathy, bleedThat very blade which lead you to battle in defense of our name

Shall cut a red ring 'round your throat

Too little too late, the flood waters break

While you've dared to call down the most savage of stormsViolent reprisal written in blood

To so cruelly be made an example of

To so cruelly be made an example of

This is war, revenge has been swornHa, as the towers fall crumbling at your feet

Lay down your sword, you must answer to me

Now impaled pariah disown your majesty

Your grave been not welcome here amidst the halls of elite

Enjoy the lyrics !!!