
Despondent Souls

Slaughtering the innocent

Massacring the weak

Intimidate their fearful minds

Corrupt their structurer worldAfflict with terror, their lives suppressed

Consuming all their hopes

Expurgate their thoughts, oppressing all

Nauseate with frightHollowed shells of living corpses

Pay homage to their art

Frail and weak, despondent souls

Are prematurely deadCherished hopes beyond your grasp

Trepidation grows within

Time exists to test your brain

Tormenting fast your sanityDormant lives are cast aside

Evil slaughter, vile and sick

Feel the pain!Deep below damp and cold

Chambers filled with rotting dead

Sealed together cryptic cells

Twisted corpses in a mangled graveMaggots grow deep inside

Multiply savored feast

Concealed to all unknown their fate

Plea for life their cries obscureSlaughtering the innocent

Massacring the weak

Intimidate their fearful minds

Corrupt their structurer worldAfflict with terror, their lives suppressed

Consuming all their hopes

Expurgate their thoughts, oppressing all

Nauseate with frightHollowed shells of living corpses

Pay homage to their art

Frail and weak, despondent souls

Are prematurely deadCherished hopes beyond your grasp

Trepidation grows within

Time exists to test your brain

Tormenting fast your sanityDormant lives are cast aside

Evil slaughter, vile and sick

Feel the pain!

Enjoy the lyrics !!!