
Did You Know

Did you know

All my reserve was just pretend?

Did you know

I was only posin’ as your friend?

Did you know?

Did my eyes play on your face too long?

Did they say how much I needed you?

Did the words I try to say in jest

Seem to come out soundin’ much too true?

Did you know

Could you see through my disguise?

Did you know

Or does my love come as a surprise?

Did you know?

I can’t believe you haven’t guessed

They was much too much coincidence

All those times we met by chance

All where my un-purpose accidents

Did you know?

Doesn’t matter anyway

Did you know

Someone else has said the things?

I want to say

So I’ll go, I never should have waited 'round

In hopes that you would finally see

But in case I get a second chance

Now you know just what you mean to me

Did you know?

Enjoy the lyrics !!!