I don't need your forgiveness
I don't need your hate
I don't need your acceptance
So what should I doI don't need your resistance
I don't need your prayers
I don't need no religion
I don't need a thing from youI don't do what I've been told
Your so lame why don't youJust go
Die mother fucker die mother fucker dieI don't need your prison
I don't need your pain
I don't need your decision
So what should I doI don't need your approval
I don't need your hope
I don't need your lectures
I don't need a thing from youI'll be sorry when I'm old
You're so full of shit manJust go
Die mother fucker die mother fucker dieBoomI don't need your forgiveness
I don't need your hate
I don't need your acceptance
So what should I doI'll be sorry so you've said
I'm not sorry
Bang You're DeadDie mother fucker die mother fucker dieDie
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.