
Don't You Think I Know

If we could be alone

If I could take you home

There's nothing going on here, let's go

I know you hate to hang around too long

and every time I'm next to you

My chest swells up and splits in two

I wonder if you're thinking too

Are your hands cold? Are your lips blue?

Oh, don't you think I know?

Nothing is ever real fun if it goes too slow

Oh, don't you think I know?

We've both got dreams and bodies to throw away

We should be alone

I should take you home

Everybody's gonna die someday, you know

You can hate me 'til the end of days, still so

and every time I'm next to you

My chest swells up and splits in two

I wonder if you're thinking too

Are your hands cold? Are your lips blue?

Oh, don't you think I know?

Nothing is ever real fun if it goes too slow

Oh, don't you think I know?

We've both got dreams and bodies to throw away

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!