

Emilio lives in an attic

Plays a flamenco guitar

Our prayers fall down his window

And roll down flanders of rusted out carsThey harmonize with the sirens

And mix with that racket downstairs

They wonder out into the traffic

Emilio's misguided prayersThe moon is Emilio's mistress

On her there's no journeys back

Some nights she comes to him naked and cold

And some nights she only wears blackWhen the full moon flows from his bottle

Somehow there's always a fight

When the moon and the lunatic dance, "senorina"

The beautiful music spins into the night and they danceIn his dreams he can see the "abuelas"

They offer him razors and wine

Suspicious Emilio measures

The "vino" against the divineBut he never has come to believe them

Or accepted their Heavenly host

So vigous and savage darling

The Saint and the sinner he prays to the mostEmilio lives in an attic

Plays a flamenco guitar

Our prayers fall down his window

And roll down flanders of rusted out cars

Enjoy the lyrics !!!