
Endangered: the Christian Family

We hear about endangered species almost every day.

The redwood tree, the spotted owl are next to go they say.

But on the list of disappearing things I do not see

A word about what’s happening to the Christian family.

Does anybody know what’s happened to the Christian family?

Where peace abounds & love surrounds & there is harmony

Where kids learn right from wrong by the example that they see.

Does anybody know what’s happened to the Christian family?

One night I dreamed that I walked through a graveyard overgrown.

I saw a different virtue was engraved upon each stone.

I saw where they had buried courage, truth, & honesty,

Then I passed the marker: absolute morality.

Before I turn to leave a fresh dug grave I paused to see.

The headstone clearly read: “Here lies the Christian family.”

The meaning of the dream was clear: with all those virtues gone,

There was no foundation left to build the Christian family on.

When I awoke I got down on my knees & there I prayed

I thanked God for my family, then this vow to Him I made:

If Christian homes will be preserved, it must begin with me

Lord, through your power & grace I’ll have a Christian family.

Does anybody know what’s happened to the Christian family?

Where peace abounds & love surrounds & there is harmony

Where kids learn right from wrong by the example that they see.

Does anybody know what’s happened to the Christian family?

Lord, through your power & grace we’ll have a Christian family.


Lyrics submitted by Karen Marberry.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!