
Fettered In Shackles of Light

Crawling helpless through my scornful mind

looking upon my inner thoughts

Bless the stars my company in the night

Demoniaced, fettered inshackles of lightI feel rage for the disdainful burning sun

whose light makes me paralysedDamned to live in the eternal darkness

Please just for once let me bear the sunsetA runaway in a world of sin

Alone I see the spirits fade away

Bless the stars my company in the night

Demoniaced, fetterd in shackles of lightI feel rage for the disdainful burning sun

whose light makes me paralysedThe need for sorrow makes me weaker

Bring death into my heathen heartwhole soul

Unchain the shackles round my neck

Shackles that keep me fetteredDamned to live in eternal darkness

Please just for once let me bear the sunsetBless the stars my compani in the night

Demoniaced, fettered in shackles of lightBless the stars my company in the night

Demoniaced, fettered, fettered in shackles of light...

Enjoy the lyrics !!!