
First Aid

those fortunate risk fate to alleviate

a fear from within clawing to trust someone

monogamy sits uneasily

ice that don't heat freeze

howl hollow howl

in vast space all light displaced

we can kill desire

albatross worn subvert to twist and old poem

tick tick tick tick tick

altruistically we've come a long way

man and woman raping from the earth

worming what it's worth

right wing ricochet displays the evolution of decay

oh just go away

infant hospital winged protection

infected the new born dreams

a life that cannot be

intuitive grease paint drooling to relate all of life's mistakes hitting in the face

orchard putrid smile head of state state headless states of being as right up against what's wrong

the disease believes to push away

normality alone with virtue what's there left to do

a virus threads poetry written time dogmatically

life's plague the first aid

acquired deficiency spreading it aimlessly

have heart crash course

caustic dripping grins the reaper

body count intensify

getting weaker

moisten the soul away clouded and vague

throw free love to history

masters of nothing

living's now a precious aim

Enjoy the lyrics !!!