
Freedom's Waiting

Our fathers which heart in heaven

[Humble words]

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight the hills, we shall never surrender.

[Trenchant words]

Give me liberty. Give me liberty, or give me death.

[Thundering words]The strongest word

Persuasive words

The strongest word

Expressive words

The strongest word

Inspirational wordsThe strongest word

...is still the word 'free'.Grateful words

free free free free...

Enlightened words,

Human words.

The word 'free'

The strongest word,

is still the word 'free'Men have lived for words

(Holocaust, Hysteria)

Heavy words

Men have died for words

Pointed words

Cities have fallen for words

Freedom's waiting...Free...The right words

(Iraq, Inflammable)

The right words

(Islam, Insidious)

The right words, said Lenin,

are worth a hundred ligaments

(Impugn, Infamous, Koran)??? words.You can say four blunt words,

and a man will hit you in the face.


Freedom's waiting...

(Israelic??? words)Words...

Sturdy. Implacable. Cram. Sarcastic.

Capable. Irreconcilable.

A little deluge of adjectives.

The strongest word is still the word 'free'.

(Impact, Profitability)

Next to the word 'free', the best word is 'new'.

(Persuasive words)

...the best word is 'new'.At your seven-eleven,

Freedom's waiting

For you.Other tasty words are: 'Mistakes', 'Stop',

'At last', and 'Don't'.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!