

Exported Measles and Smallpox

To fumigate the garden for the Children of choice.

To keep Eden giving they controlled the spread of weeds

To protect they're own seeds.

Imported & domesticated beasts for the farm

And spread a little Syphillis to keep the ratio as it should be

Then an anonymous virus claims a million,

And they expect us to believe them when they blame it on a Green Monkey

In a 1969 senate appropriations hearing,

10 million dollars was requested to develop a disease.

A new Micro-organism unknown to nature

That would lay waste to the human immunological system

The money was approved, the taxpayers never knew

And it was to be ready for deployment within 10 years

Then 1981 began the modern Anomaly of Instant Disease Scares, origins always unknown.

Through the eyes of this planets kings, we're nothing but cattle

To be bred & slaughtered as they need.

They created deadly sex, they don't want us breeding

And pesticidal people weeding keeps the global population in a water lock under their rule.

Then they created deadly living so the living keep giving up

Their freedoms for the chance to be saved by the doctors of the plague.

So long as we believe in foreign lands of darkness

The homely hand of darkness is forever around our neck

But the most powerful weapon only costs a question

And the ugliest of truths is the only thing to ever set us free.

Out of sight and out of mind makes the pill seem sweeter

Until your number is the next one called.


Lyrics submitted by Planck.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!