
Great Mission

The jungle near Manaus

The Amazonas full of Piranyas

The birds of paradise

Disappear into the green desertFor years and years

We are hungry and desperate

For the only thing worth living

The excessWe end our great mission exhausted and sad

And there is no hope left

When suddenly in a cloud of golden smog

The father of excess

Jumps out of the water of the Amazonas full of Piranhas

And screams to the lost soulsWhat are you doing at the Amazonas?

Leave Manaus full of Piranyas

You will not find excess in the jungleAnd then, he opened the green curtain

Made of fleshy leaves and said

I show you the excess of the asphalt a Montmartre

The excess of the belly dance in Abu Dhabi

And the excess of the everlasting night in ManhattanAre you ready for the sensation Del Tango a Rosario?

Leave him, the gorilla

Leave the jungle of the Amazonas

Leave Manaus full of Piranyas

And follow father excess

Enjoy the lyrics !!!