

I'm dying competely sober

what they didn't talk about you,my poor,

that the dog couldn't even eat with fat

they talked that after everything

you brought him into our dreams

they talked that you like just the way I go down

what do they talk about you even now,my poor,

that's not the question of anger nor jealousy anymore

it's something more than that

for someone a cure and for someone drugs

I know there's a little bit of truth and a little bit of destiny there

and don't think that I drink

I'm not allowed to

I'm dying completely sober


Ja potpuno trijezan umirem

sta sve o tebi sirota moja nisu pricali

to vise ne bi ni pas s maslom mog'o pojesti

bilesi da si nakon svega

u nase snove dovela njega

bilesi da ti se bas dopada nacin na koji propadam

sta sve o tebi sirota moja i sad govore

to vise nije ni stvar jala ni ljubomore

to je nesto vise od toga

nekome lijek a nekom droga

ja znam, ima tu malo istine a malo sudbine

a ne misli da pijem

ja to ne smijem

ja potpuno trijezan umirem


Lyrics submitted by Mimi.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!