
Happy Freuds (Original)

Explain to you,

The girl who tells me that she knows herself.

I say to you, (my girl,)

You don't know you, (my girl,)

Only really shallow people know themselves

It's true to say.Everybody's playing happy Freud.

I say to you, (my girl,)

You don't know you, (my girl,)

Your Capricorn is showing,

And the edge is getting frayed, frayed.

Here's to all those people

Who know themselves; (They really know themselves.)

They look into a mirror and

They know themselves. (They really know themselves.)

I will build them

A mirror they can see themselves

As other people see them!Here's to all those people

Who know themselves; (They really know themselves.)

They look into a mirror and

They know themselves. (They really know themselves.)

I will build them

A mirror they can see themselves

As other people see them!Bum bup ba! Babba babba ba!

Everybody's playing happy Freud.

I say to you, (my girl,)

You don't know you, (my girl,)

Your Capricorn is showing,

And the edge is getting frayed.Bum bup ba! Babba babba ba!Everybody's playing happy Freud.

I say to you, (my girl,)

You don't know you, (my girl,)

Your Capricorn is showing,

And the edge is getting frayed.Bum bup ba! Babba babba ba!

Bum bup ba! Babba babba ba! (Say to you!)

Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.

Enjoy the lyrics !!!