
Hard Case

She goes down fast and comes up slow

Gets in high and goes out low

Turns up late or doesn't show

She spends all her cash on letting goI'm never early

I'm never late

I'm in at 5 and out at 8

Running just to keep the pace

When I'm tired I put on my bravest faceThe sign said "Go Slow"

And lord knows how I tried to follow

Such a hard case with a soft face

You gave me one taste,

Now look at the shape I'm inI love her but i like you too

My worst nightmare just came true

We might be done but we're not through

So drag me down just like you used to doHold me down under the sea

Drag me back to where we used to beWith the morning comes the the sun

The light of day just had to come

Now I know you're not the one

Should feel bad but baby we had fun

Enjoy the lyrics !!!